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Download Storyteller MyCreativeLand Font

Download Storyteller MyCreativeLand Font

Download Storyteller Font by MyCreativeLand in Category MyCreativeLand Fonts File Sized 3.56 MB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Lauries Tanz Script Font Chokle Handwritten Font Griffin Bold Handlettered Typeface ABYGAIL.

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A lovingly developed, handwritten, hand-traced and digitized font family that you can use in all sort of design projects - branding, invitations, quotes design etc.

The family contains 33 fonts in total. Script fonts all have initial and end swashes as well as ligatures and contextual alternates. Serif and Sans serif fonts also have stylistic alternates. All fonts also have catchwords such as and, to, ever, for, the, only.

The fonts are fully unicode mapped so you can use them basically in any software. If the software you are working in is not OpenType-aware one (eg Silhouette) , you'll need an additional software to help you to find the glyphs you want - PopChar (MAC & Windows) or Ultra Character Map (MAC) will do the job. You can also use Character Map (Windows) or FontBook (Mac) - these are default applications.

Most of the european languages supported (no cyrillic or greek support)

"Light" version that contains calligraphy scripts and design elements only is available here http://crtv.mk/c0Chs

Happy holidays!If you have any question, do not hesitate to ask! You can also find useful FAQs section on my website http://mycreativeland.com/faq-items/

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